
Are You Ready to Deploy?

July 2008 -- 180FW Family Readiness Pre-Deployment Classes being offered

Personal and family readiness is a key to mission success. For this reason the 180FW Family Programs Office is offering a day of information to help families and servicemembers prepare for upcoming deployments. These classes will be offered on Sunday, July 13 along with a great new event for youth ages 5-18. 

Parents and spouses of deploying servicemembers will have the opportunity to attend four classes that will help them and their loved one prepare for the upcoming time of separation. The servicemembers are required to attend the first two of these classes (at either time) as part of their pre-deployment preparation. Lunch will be provided that day for everyone as well. 

The first class is the Family Programs Deployment Preparation Class. Families may choose to attend either at 9:30am or 2:45pm in the Baker Building. This class will briefly cover a multitude of topics that relate to personal and family readiness including initiatives that the 180FW will be using to keep the families informed during the deployments. 

The second class is titled "Legacy of Love" and is presented by Lorin Sonnenberg, widow of Lt. Col. Kevin "Sonny" Sonnenberg, who was killed in action in Iraq in June, 2007. She provides great insight into properly preparing for times of separation. While this class may be emotional at times, its intent is to motivate and empower families to ensure that they are prepared for anything and that they will leave a Legacy of Love for those left behind whenever that time may come. This class is offered at 11:15am and again at 1:30pm in the Baker Building. 

The third class, offered at 12:30 p.m. in the Baker Building, is for those interested in using TRICARE, the Health and Dental Insurance Program that families are entitled to when their loved one is on active duty. 

The fourth class is titled "Maintaining Relationships." This class is offered at 2:30pm in the Sonnenberg Complex (LRS building) and is instructed by Lt. Col. Timothy Sonnenberg, USAF Retired, and his wife, Diane Sonnenberg, MSSA, LISW, clinical social worker. This class is not your typical military briefing. It discusses the emotional side of deployment, understanding the other person's perspective, and the value in maintaining communication before, during, and after a deployment. This class will also touch on the needs of children of deployed parents. 

Youth ages 5-18 will participate in a Mock Deployment. Children may attend formation with their military parent and then report with at least one of their parents to the Sonnenberg Complex for "deployment (PDF) processing" between 7:30a.m. and 8:45 a.m. The Youth will then "deploy" to Anthony Wayne High School where they will learn about deployment and participate in activities that help build resilient military youth. 

Families may register for both the adult and youth program by online registration at www.guardfamily.org. After registering on the site, go to the "Events" section. The adult registration is titled, "Deployment Briefings: 180th Fighter Wing Pre-Deployment Courses" and the youth registration is titled, "Deployment Briefings: 180th Fighter Wing Mock Youth Deployment. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Programs Office.