1. Execute the mission
2. Manage resources
3. Continuous organizational growth
To provide for America; protection of the homeland, effective combat power and defense support to civil authorities, while developing Airmen, supporting their families and serving in the community.
The 180FW has access to multiple military operating airspace and air-to-ground gunnery ranges perfectly suited for the capabilities of the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Centrally located with access to three major airspace complexes, the 180FW regular uses the Buckeye/Brushcreek airspace in southern Ohio, the Alpena airspace complex in Northern Michigan, and the Indiana Air Range Complex in southeast Indiana.
These locations afford our fighter pilots the opportunity to train and employ in flight regimes essential for exploiting the full capabilities of the F-16 including supersonic, chaff/flare, and electronic attack training with full radar ground control intercept and Link-16 datalink capability. The Alpena complex features two Joint Threat Emitters that simulate adversary surface-to-air missile sites.
This greatly enhances threat awareness training when coupled with the Sniper SE and Litening Gen4 advanced targeting pods and High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile Targeting System.
Furthermore, the temporary Stinger MOA utilized on an annual basis provides invaluable close-to-Toledo airspace for air combat basic training maneuvers and close air support tactics which increases training value by maximizing mission execution time and reducing transit costs.
With access to three aerial gunnery ranges in Michigan and Indiana, 180FW pilots are able to employ precision guided and ballistic air-to-ground munitions including rockets, gunnery, and all sizes of conventional bombs.
Access to these ranges ensure our fighter pilots remain proficient in employing the active electronically scanned array radar during the accomplishment of its air interdiction, close air support, and air defense missions.
To stay ready and razor sharp in its execution of the 24/7 aerospace control alert mission, the 180FW conducts monthly training exercises in the surrounding national airspace regions to enhance command and control and air traffic control
integration with fighter escort for its alert intercept mission.
Utilizing airspace and ranges that are geographically separated with diverse weather patterns provide significant flexibility in daily operations. This varied airspace frequently allows the wing to find favorable weather conditions on short notice when the opposite location experiences poor weather, further enhancing training opportunities while ensuring mission requirements are met.
To further enhance realistic combat training scenarios, the 180FW opened the F-16 Mission Training Center in 2021, which serves as a fully operational 4-ship F-16 simulator designed to put pilots in simulated combat anywhere in the world while remotely connected to other aircraft and entities through the distributed mission operations system.
- The 180th Medical Group provides medical support of the operational mission at the 180FW. This support includes taking care of approximately 1,000 personnel by conducting Preventive Health Assessments, deployment processing, immunizations, dental and optometry.
The 180th Fighter Wing Fire & Emergency Services Department provides sole 24-hour emergency response for the Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport, and responded to 117 emergencies within their primary response district in 2023. The department also provides support to the community through mutual aid agreements, responding to 79 mutual aid emergency requests, including 37 medical emergencies, 25 rescues, 16 structural fires, and one wildland fire.
The 180FW Propulsion Element was the first to implement a Pratt and Whitney 229 and 220 engine contract field team, providing war-ready engines to Combatant Commanders by rebuilding and testing 215 engines and modules since 2010, in support of the Air Force and Air National Guard. These engines have been delivered to coalition partners and U.S. Air Force installations around the world.