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Medical Group

The goal of the Medical Group is to provide the medical/technical training necessary to maintain optimum readiness with the ability to augment existing fixed and field medical facilities upon mobilization. The 180th Medical Group also provides the material support needed to maintain the highest possible degree of combat readiness and effectiveness of the 180oth FW. This support includes physicals, immunizations, drug test, environmental and food inspections.

Medical Readiness
Health Services Administration encompasses command, administrative, logistics, and education functions supporting the provision of health care to authorized beneficiaries. This includes planning, programming, and operations related to the following activities: Medical facility command; medical facility administration; medical materiel and services management; medical resource management; patient affairs management; war and emergency planning; aeromedical evacuation; medical recruiting; medical research administration and health services training and education. In addition, directs the medical/hospital accreditation program and management of improvement studies.

The Air National Guard Dental service has a 3 prong mission. Our mission: Monitor- oral health status of all assigned members to ensure wartime readiness to the highest degree possible; Train & Maintian-highly qualified individuals, competent not only in their dental specific task, but in those tasks required to support the overall medical mission; Medical Support- to help protect health & welfare of the community & act in cases of emergency and/or natural disaster. 

The dental squadron at the 180th strives to accomplish the mission with the utmost efficiency.


Optometry monitors the vision status of all 180th personnel as part of the preventative health assessment. All manner of corrective eyewear are fit and ordered through optometry. These include protective mask inserts, safety eyewear, ballistic eyewear for deploying forces, and standard issue spectacles. Optometry works jointly with flight medicine to oversee contact lens wear by flying personnel, together assuring optimum vision and ocular health.

Physician Assistant


Public Health Officer
The Public Health office manages the occupational health program working in conjunction with Bioenvironmental and Medical Services to ensure the on-going health and safety of individuals in the workplace. This includes hearing conservation training and testing and the fetal protection program. Public Health also works with Medical Administration regarding requirements and education for deploying personnel. As managers of the Food Safety Program, Public Health evaluates food facilities, oversees training of unit personnel and tracks food recalls for compliance. They also conduct disease and vector surveillance.
  • Public Affairs
  • 419-868-4072
  • ID Cards
  • 419-868-4016
  • Personnel Records
  • 419-868-4016
  • Recruiting Office
  • 419-868-4469
  • Base Exchange
  • 419-865-3581
  • Tours*
  • 180.FW.PA@us.af.mil
  • Noise Complaint
  • 180.FW.PA@us.af.mil