180th Fighter Wing Deemed Mission Ready!

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Beth Holliker
  • Public Affairs
During a recent Alert Force Evaluation, the 180th Fighter Wing Aerospace Control Alert mission, along with the 180th FW Command Post section received the rating of Mission Ready. This rating is the highest rating inspectors can report for North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, alert units.

Words of congratulations from the AFE inspection team, sent to Col. Nordhaus, 180th Fighter Wing Commander, highlighted that the 180th far exceeded the standards mandated by NORAD. The team noted that the overall performance, leadership and teamwork, in all aspects of the evaluation were among the "Best-Seen-To-Date."

"We have incredible Airmen here at the 180th," said Nordhaus. "We have sent our best and brightest all over the country to increase NORAD mission success."

These efforts did not go unnoticed as the inspection team highlighted the 180th's preparedness as a model for other units to emulate, and they have. With the assistance of 180th Command Post team members, the ACA unit at Ellington Field, Texas received a "Best Practice" for their training program during their recent AFE.

After hearing the tentative results of the AFE, Brig. Gen. Mark Bartman, Assistant Adjutant General for Air for the State of Ohio, sent the following message to Maj. Gen. Deborah Ashenhurst, Ohio Adjutant General.

"Another 'best-seen-to-date' for the 180th FW on their recent Alert Force Evaluation (AFE). This is the second AFE in a row where the maintenance and command post was singled out as being outstanding. No other Active Duty or Air National Guard unit has this kind of track record. You truly have an incredible group of Airmen performing a critical 'no-fail' mission 24/7/365."

"The men and women of the 180 FW are the absolute best Airmen in the world, they prove it every day," said Nordhaus. "Our vision is to be the Best Fighter Wing in the World and our Airmen and their families are proving that to be true. I am proud to be part of this exceptional team!"
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