Holy Moses! ASA wins Unit of the Year Award Published March 8, 2011 By Lt. Col. Timothy Moses ASA Commander Swanton, Ohio -- The 180th Fighter Wing was awarded the overall ASA Unit of the Year award for 2010, Feb. 28, at the CONR-1st Air Force Warrios Air Sovereignty Alert Awards banquet held at Tyndall AFB. Highlights of the award included 100% ASA sortie effectiveness for all practice, exercise and active air scrambles in support of Operation Noble Eagle and Homeland Defense. 100% of the 158 ASA sorties occurred within the CONR-1AF Commander's response time requirements. During the 2010 Alert Force Evaluation, the 180th Fighter Wing had an unprecedented "Zero Discrepancy" in both the maintenance and command post sections, a 100% of inspectable areas graded "Mission Ready," and an unfathomable 29 "Strengths." The unit's positive impact on the Air Force and the nation, included briefings presented at NORAD's Weapons and Tactics Conference, volunteering to chair upcoming Air Reserve Component ASA Weapons and Tactics Conference, ASA members volunteering to help stand up two other ASA units and provide staff assisted visitsin preparation for other unit's upcoming ASA inspections. The ASA Unit of the Year Award could not have been earned without the culmination of exceptional teamwork, dedication and sacrifices of many unit members. The wing's success is a direct result of the synergy and focused efforts of so many on a common goal - protecting the homeland. From the Maintenance Group keeping the F-16s in a constant state of readiness to the Civil Engineering Squadron keeping the ramp free of snow, unit members have persevered through numerous challenges with impeccable teamwork and fortitude. The end result of this teamwork is a nationally recognized ASA unit leading the charge in less than three years after standing up the ASA mission. Another contributing factor to the ASA mission's success is the exemplary dedication of so many unit members. While there are approximately 67 ASA occasional AGR members in the wing, every organization on base has been extraordinarily dedicated to mission success. Force Support Squadron, Finance, Communication Flight, Airfield Management, Vehicle Maintenance, Security Forces Squadron, Civil Engineering/Fire, Traffic Management, and so many other fine organizations around the base have been so vital to help the mission become so successful in such a short period of time. This award could not have been won without the personal sacrifices of so many unit members and their families. The 24/7 ASA mission does not stop for anything. Unit members and their families sacrifice holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and family events on a regular basis in support of this vital Homeland Defense mission. The unwavering support, dedication and sacrifice of all family members does not go unrecognized and makes this award equally theirs. The 180FW will be having their next CONR-1AF Alert Force Operational Assessment March 22-24, 2011. The AFOA Team will be arriving to inspect our F-16s, check our security procedures, evaluate our command and control and then launch us to intercept a couple tracks-of-interest. These tracks-of-interest may be a simulated hijacked aircraft, a derelict object or a possible maritime threat on the Great Lakes just to name a few. After the jets recover from the sortie, the AFOA team will evaluate the turn of the jets to get them back on status as well as our reporting procedures from the event that we just flew. The following day the AFOA team will be looking at unit training programs and records with an outbrief scheduled for March 24th. Any substantial negative results from our assessment will get briefed to CONR-1AF Commander Maj. Gen. Dean for follow up or corrective action. Following the AFOA is NORAD's Alert Force Evaluation. This is a one day NORAD IG inspection where we will fly to intercept a TOI, recover and turn the jets all the while having Security and Command and Control inspected. The results of the AFE will get briefed to NORAD Commander Admiral Winnefeld. Below is a link to CONR-1AF and NORAD's website for details on the ASA mission: http://www.1af.acc.af.mil/index.asp http://www.norad.mil/Home.html