180th MDG Health Service Inspection: How each of you can help!

  • Published
  • By Col. Florencio E. Marquinez
  • Medical Group Commander
I first want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and again congratulations to all of you on your hard work and dedication to the 180th FW ORI Excellent Rating. Unfortunately, the Medical Group is still "embracing the SUCK and Living the Dream" getting prepared for our Health Service Inspection. Everyone hates inspections but they are very important in validating your programs and business practices.

The Health Service Inspection is a realistic validation of the Medical Groups programs rather than how we can prepare for an inspection. There are four categories that comprise inspection.

1. In- Garrison Medical operations
2. Expeditionary Medical Operations
3. Leadership
4. Special Missions

Within these categories are 17 areas covering over 110 individual elements which we are graded on, every four to five years.

How can 180th members contribute to the success of this inspection?

Your health and welfare is the key to always being ready and deployable to meet the mission. Preventative health care is your best investment to having a long and healthy life into your retirement years. We work so hard for retirement but a lot of us forget to invest in ourselves. I personally want to be healthy and strong and take vacations to see the world during my golden years, not taking trips to the doctors' office and spending my money on medication and health care.

Your successis our success because medical readiness is what we are graded on. So you can help the Medical Group by :

1. Reporting to the Medical Group for your Physical Health Assessment (PHA) and having your dental exam yearly. Teeth cleaning should be every six months.

2. Having a routine physical, ideally by your Primary Care Provider, and Occupational health exam provided by the Medical Group Clinic which is job specific to the potential hazards of your job.

3. Having a regular exercise program and a healthy diet is key to staying within your Body Mass Index.

4. Passing your fitness test with a score with a 75% or greater is a good indicator if you are in good physical shape.

5. Proper sleep of seven to eight ours is important for rejuvenating the body.

6. When you're deployed it is important that you complete the pre-deployment, post deployment and the post deployment reassessment. Early intervention of an illness, injury or mental health issues is key to recovering earlier and not letting the illness or injury get worse. Complete a Line of Duty Injury or illness right away.

The last topic I want to discuss is the Self-Aid Buddy Care Program which we are graded on. This program is the key to survivability when you get ininjured. The education and life saving techniques are not only useful in combat but in everyday life. The first responder who can provide care increases the survivability during the golden hour of any injury. Please complete the Self-Aid Buddy Care training before the AEF and yearly. Your SABC trainer can give you the training and guidance to complete the course. If you have any further questions or need help in getting the resources for living a healthy style contact the Medical Group.
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