CMSGT. Brian E. Rozick

CMSgt Brian E. Rozick is the Command Chief at the 180th Fighter Wing, Toledo Air National Guard Base (ANGB), Swanton, Ohio. He serves as the wing commander’s key enlisted advocate and advisor on operational effectiveness and the organization, training, and equipping of the wing’s enlisted Airmen. He ensures the commander’s directions and policies are carried out and that the Airmen understand and are dedicated to the mission. He is responsible for the professional development and proper utilization of the wing’s enlisted force, working in concert with other leaders to oversee the readiness, training, health, morale, welfare and quality of life of assigned personnel. 

Chief Rozick entered the United States Air Force in February 1997. After completing training, he was assigned to the 8th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida, as an Airborne Communications System Operator, where he flew on MC-130E Combat Talon aircraft. In February 2001, Chief Rozick transferred to the Ohio Air National Guard, as a Fire Protection Specialist. He has served in various fire protection apparatus Crew Chief positions, as a Fire Station Captain, as Assistant Fire Chief of Operations, as Assistant Fire Chief of Training, and the Installation Fire Chief. Chief Rozick has four years active duty and twenty-four years with the Air National Guard. 

As an enlisted aviator, Chief Rozick flew missions as part of the Combined Special Operations Task Force-Southwest Asia, deployed in support of Operation SOUTHERN WATCH, Operation DESERT FOX, and Operation DESERT THUNDER. Additionally, while deployed to El Dorado International Airport, Bogota, Columbia, he flew direct support missions to aid humanitarian operations after a United States Army RC-7 aircraft mishap. As a Fire Protection member, Chief Rozick deployed to Sather Air Base, Iraq, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and to Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait, in support of Operation FREEDOM SENTINAL, where he was the Installation Fire Chief. His assignments include Hurlburt Field, Florida; Duke Field, Florida; and Toledo ANGB, Ohio. Prior to his current position, Chief Rozick was the Senior Enlisted Leader, 180th Operations Group, Toledo ANGB, Swanton, Ohio.

1996 Associate of Applied Arts, Terra Community College, Fremont, Ohio 
2002 Airman Leadership School, Correspondence Course 
2003 Associate of Applied Science, Information Systems Technology, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2005 Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Correspondence Course
2005 Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2006 Fire Officer II, Louis F. Garland DoD Fire Academy, Goodfellow AFB, Texas 
2008 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Correspondence Course 
2008 Fire Officer III, Great Oaks Outreach Course, Alpena CRTC, Mich. 
2008 Fire Officer IV, Bucks County Community College, Doylestown, Pa. 
2008 National Registry Paramedic, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 
2011 Fire Inspector III, Louis F. Garland DoD Fire Academy, Goodfellow AFB, Texas 
2011 Bachelor of Science, Fire and Safety Engineering Technology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 
2015 Master of Public Administration, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 
2016 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education I, Correspondence Course 
2017 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education II, Correspondence Course

1. February 1997 – March 1997, Student, Basic Military Training, Lackland AFB, Texas
2. March 1997 – April 1997, Student, Enlisted Aircrew Undergraduate Course, Sheppard AFB, Texas
3. April 1997 – July 1997, Airborne Communications Specialty Apprentice Course, Keesler AFB, Miss.
4. July 1997 – August 1997, Combat and Water Survival Training Courses, Fairchild AFB, Wash.
5. August 1997 – March 1998, MC-130E Communication System Operator Combat Talon I Initial Mission Qualification Student, 19th Special Operations Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
6. March 1998 – October 1999, MC-130E Radio Operator, 8th Special Operations Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
7. October 1999 – February 2001, MC-130E Radio Operator, 8th Special Operations Squadron, Duke Field, Fla.
8. February 2001 – April 2002, Fire Protection Trainee, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio
9. April 2002 – August 2002, Fire Protection Apprentice, Louis F. Garland DoD Fire Academy, Goodfellow AFB, Texas
10. August 2002 – January 2003, Firefighter, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio
11. January 2003 – April 2005, Firefighter Crew Chief, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio
12. April 2005 – July 2007, Fire Station Captain, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio (January 2007–June 2007, Fire Station Captain, Sather Air Base, Iraq)
13. July 2007 – April 2012, Assistant Fire Chief of Training, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio
14. April 2012 – December 2021, Installation Fire Chief, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron, Toledo ANGB, Ohio (July2016 – January 2017, Installation Fire Chief, Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait)
15. January 2022 – January 2025, Senior Enlisted Leader, 180th Operations Group, Toledo ANGB, Ohio
16. January 2025 – Present, Command Chief, 180th Fighter Wing, Toledo ANGB, Ohio

Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Aerial Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air and Space Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air and Space Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters

Ohio Commendation Medal

1997 Distinguished Graduate, Airborne Communications Specialty Apprentice Course
2002 Distinguished Graduate, Louis F. Garland DoD Fire Academy
2004 Superior Performance Award, Air Combat Command Inspector General, 180th FW Operational Readiness Inspection 
2007 180th Fighter Wing Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year
2012 Superior Performance Award, Air Combat Command Inspector General, 180th FW Unit Compliance Inspection 
2015 University of Toledo Department of Political Science and Public Administration Daniel G. McNamara Memorial Award 
2015 Superior Performer, 180th Civil Engineering Squadron Vertical Inspection

Member, 180th Fighter Wing Chief's Council
Member, 180th Fighter Wing Top Three Council
Member, Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association 
Member, Air Force Association
Lifetime Member, Air Force Sergeant’s Association

Airman First Class February 5, 1997
Senior Airman December 5, 1998
Staff Sergeant January 1, 2003
Technical Sergeant April 1, 2005
Master Sergeant April 1, 2007
Senior Master Sergeant April 1, 2014
Chief Master Sergeant June 1, 2018

(Current as of February 2025)

  • Public Affairs
  • 419-868-4072
  • ID Cards
  • 419-868-4016
  • Personnel Records
  • 419-868-4016
  • Recruiting Office
  • 419-868-4469
  • Base Exchange
  • 419-865-3581
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  • Noise Complaint

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